Operating Your Refrigerator
Set the
Temperature Controls
Freezer | Temperature Controls |
Fresh Food |
ClnitialSetting |
| 51nitialSetting |
EColdast |
| 9Coldest |
AutomaticEnergyS averSystem |
| |
Al10w24H0ursf0t | lempor8ture$ to Stabilize, |
Energy Saver System
You won’t find an “energy saver” switch on this refrigerator.
Warm liquid from the refrigerator’s condenser is automatically circulated around the front edge of the freezer compartment to help keep moisture from forming on the outside of the refrigerator during humid weather.
Many refrigerators use special electric heaters. This refrigerator needs none. That’s why there is no “energy saver” switch. there’s no need for it.
Your refrigerator has two controls that let you regulate the temperature in the fresh food and freezer compartments.
INITIALLY, set the FRESH FOOD control at 5 and the FREEZER control at C.
For colder or warmer temperatures, adjust the desired compartment control one letter or number at
a time.
When initially setting the controls, or when adjusting them, allow 24 hours for the temperatures to stabilize, or even out. Do this before filling the refrigerator with large amounts of fresh or frozen foods.
Note: Turning the fresh food control to “OFF” stops cooling in BOTH
How to Test Temperatures
Use the milk test for the fresh food compartment. Place a container of milk on the top shelf in the fresh food compartment. Check it a day later. If the milk is too warm or too cold, adjust the temperature controls.
Use the ice cream test for the freezer compartment. Place a container of ice cream in the center of the freezer compartment. Check it after a day. If it’s too hard or too soft, adjust the temperature controls.
Always allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach the temperature you set.
If you turn your household thermostat below 60°F. at night
. . . you may want to turn the Iettercd control one step colder, as from “C” to “D:’ Cooler temperatures in the house may cause the compressor to operate less frequently, thus allowing the freezer compartment to warm somewhat. To protect your frozen food Supplyr, leave your lefrered setting at this colder setting for the entire winter or for whatever period of time you are turning down your thermostat. This is especially important when the thermostat is turned down for an extended period.
This change should have no effect on your fresh food compartment. However, if freezing occurs, turn the numbered control one step warmer, as from “5” to “41’
When you stop turning the thermostat down, turn temperature controls back to their regular settings.
No Defrosting
It is not necessary to defrost the freezer or fresh food compartments. Your refrigerator is designed and equipped to defrost itself automatically.