Hotpoint RGB746GEJ, RGB744GEJ warranty Read this bookiCarefllllye, The CaliforniaSafeDrinking

Models: RGB744GEJ RGB746GEJ

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Read this bookiCarefllllye

Read this bookiCarefllllye

It is intendedto helpyouoperateand maintainyour newrangeproperly.

Keepit handy for answersto your questions.

If youdon’tunderstandsomething or need more help, write (include yourphone number):

ConsumerAffairs Hotpoint AppliancePark Louisville,KY40225

write down the model and serial numbers.

You’llfind them on a labellocatedin theburner box under the cooktop. Seepages 6 and 7.

These numbers are also on the Consumer Product Ownership RegistrationCard that came with your range. Beforesendingin this card, please write these numbers here:


Serial Number

Use these numbers in any correspondence or service calls concerning your range,

If you received

a damaged range . . .

Immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the range.

~~.~~~i~@ ~~~ mOn@Ye Before you request service. e*

Check the Problem Solver on page 23. It lists causes of minor operating problems that youcan corret;t yourself.

The CaliforniaSafeDrinking

Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the GOvernorOf

California to publisl~a listof substartceshOW~ to the state tocausecancer,birthdefectsor otherreproductiveharmand Iequiresbusinessesto warn customersofpotentiaIexposure tosuchsubstances.

Gasappliancescancause tinor exposuretofourofthese substances,namelybenzene, carbonmonoxide,formaldehyde andsoot,causedprimarilybythe incolnpietecombustionofnatural gasorLPfuels.Properlyadjusted burners,indicatedbya bluish ratherthana yellowflan~e,will minimizeincompletecolnbustio]l. Exposuretothesesubstancescan berninitizedfirther byventing witi anopenwindowor usinga ventilationfanor hood.

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Hotpoint RGB746GEJ, RGB744GEJ warranty Read this bookiCarefllllye, The CaliforniaSafeDrinking