Hotpoint RGB746GEJ, RGB744GEJ warranty TrimStrips, OuterPorcelain, EnamelSurface

Models: RGB744GEJ RGB746GEJ

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Broiler fin and &ck

@Soap and Water


Drain fat, cool pan and rack slightly. (Do not let soiled pan and rack stand in


@Soap-Filled Scouring Pad

ovento cool.) Sprinkle detergent on rack and pan. Fill pan witi~warm water and


* Plastic Scouring


spread cloth or paper towelover rack. Let pan and rack stand for a few minutes.




Wash; scour if necessary. Rinse and dry. OPTION: Clean pan and rack in





Control Knobs@Mild Soap and WaterPull off knobs. Washgently but do not soak. Dry and return controls to range.

Outiide Glass Finish

0 Soap and Water



Washall glass with cloth dampened in soapy water. Rinse and polish with a dry



cloth. If knobs are removed, do not allow water to run downinside surface of



glass while cleaning.


Metal, including

e Soap and Water

Side Rims and





o Paper Towel


~ Dry Cloth


@Soap and Water

Hinted Surfaces

e Soap and Water

Inside Oven Door*

~ Soap and Water


~ Soap and Water


@Soap and Water

Drip Pans

* Stiff-Bristled Brush


~ Soap-Filled Scouring Pad




Q Soap and Water


~ Soap-Filled Scouring Pad




~ Solution for Cleaning


Inside of Coffee ftiakers


~ Soap and Water


QMild Abrasive Cleanser


~ Damp Cloth


Wash, rinse, and then polish with a dry cloth. DO N~ USE steel wool, abrasives, ammonia, acids, or commercial ovencleaners which may damage the finish.

Avoidcleaning powdersor harsh abrasives which may scratch the enamel.

If acids should spill on the range while it is hot, use a dry paper towelor cloth to wipe up right away.When the surface has cooled, wash and rinse.

For other spills, such as fat smatterings,etc., wash with soap and water When cooled and then rinse. Polish with a dry cloth.

LJsea mild solution of soap and water. Do not use any harsh abrasives or :leaning powderswhich may scratch or mar surface.

Removeovendoor (see page 17). Clean with soap and water and replace.

Avoidgetting ANY cleaning materials on the gasket.

:001 before cleaning. Frequent wiping with nlild soap and water will prolong

the time between major cleanings. Be sure to rinse thoroughly.

Shelves can be soaked in dishwasher or cleaned by hand, using soap and water. Rinse thoroughly to remove any soap after cleaning. Shelves may also be cleaned in self-cleaning oven, but may lose some luster and discolor.

Clean as described below or in dishwasher. DO NGT CLEAN IN SELF- CLEANING OVEN as they will discolor. Wipe all chrome drip pans after each cooking so unnoticed spatter will not burn on next time you cook. To remove burned-on spatters, use any or all cleaning materials mentioned. Rub ligltrl)’ with scouring pad to prevent scratching of the surface.

Lift out when cool. Soak 5-10minutes if desired in warm solution of dishwasher dctcrgeni. Scour with materials mentioned hereto remove burned-on iood particles. DO N~ CLEAN IN SELR-CLEANING OVEN.

Wipe off burner heads, If heavy spillover occurs, remove burners from range (see page 16)and soak them for 20 to 30 minutes in Soiutionof hot water and product for cleaning inside of coffee makers, such as Dip-It brand. If soil does not rinse off completely, scrub burners with soap and water or a mild abrasive clcanscr and a damp cloth. DIy burners in a warm oven for 30 minutes before returning them to the range. DO NOT ~~~A.N IN S~~I~-C~~A~~llN~ OW~N.

‘SpillaSc ofmarinacies.fru uices. ;indbas[ing mfit~:rialscon[ainin: acids may cause discoloration. Spiliovers should be wiped up irnmcdiately. with Iallyhot portion of the olen. IVbcn thesurfaceiscool.clean and rinse.


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Hotpoint RGB746GEJ, RGB744GEJ warranty TrimStrips, OuterPorcelain, EnamelSurface