Multiple Instance Spanning-Tree Operation

802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP)

Displaying Per-Instance MSTP Configurations. These commands displays the per-instance port configuration and current state, along with instance identifiers and regional root data.

Syntax: show spanning-tree config instance < ist 1..16 >

The upper part of this output shows the instance data for the specified instance. The lower part of the output lists the spanning-tree port settings for the specified instance.

Syntax: show spanning-tree < port-list> config instance < ist 1..16 >

This command shows the same data as the above command, but lists the spanning-tree port parameter settings for only the specified port(s) and/or trunk(s). You can list data for a series of ports and port trunks by specifying the first and last port or trunk of any consecutive series of ports and trunks. For example, to display data for port A20-A24 and trk1, use this command:

show spanning-tree a20-trk1 config instance 1

Instance-Specific Data

Port Settings for the specified instance.

Figure 5-14. Example of the Configuration Listing for a Specific Instance
