Static Virtual LANs (VLANs)

Port-Based Virtual LANs (Static VLANs)


Syntax: [ no ] management-vlan < vlan-id vlan-name>

Default: Disabled

To confirm the Management VLAN configuration, use the show running-configcommand.

For example, suppose you have already configured a VLAN named My_VLAN with a VID of 100. Now you want to configure the switch to do the following:

Use My_VLAN as a Management VLAN (tagged, in this case) to connect port A1 on switch “A” to a management station. (The management station includes a network interface card with 802.1Q tagged VLAN capability.)

Use port A2 to extend the Management VLAN to port B1 (which is already configured as a tagged member of My_VLAN) on an adjacent switch.































































































































































































































































































































Figure 2-26. Illustration of Configuration Example

ProCurve(config)# management-vlan 100

ProCurve(config)# vlan 100 tagged a1

ProCurve(config)# vlan 100 tagged a2

Deleting the Management VLAN. You can disable the Secure Management feature without deleting the VLAN itself. For example, either of the following commands disables the Secure Management feature in the above example:

ProCurve(config)# no management-vlan 100

ProCurve(config)# no management-vlan my_vlan

Operating Notes for Management VLANs

Only one Management-VLAN can be active in the switch. If one Manage- ment-VLAN VID is saved in the startup-config file and you configure a different VID in the running-config file, the switch uses the running-config version until you either use the write-memorycommand or reboot the switch.
