Static Virtual LANs (VLANs)

Port-Based Virtual LANs (Static VLANs)

features and ensure that multiple instances of DHCP or Bootp on different VLANs do not result in conflicting configuration values for the switch. The primary VLAN is the VLAN the switch uses to run and manage these features and data. In the factory-default configuration, the switch designates the default VLAN (DEFAULT_VLAN) as the primary VLAN. However, to provide more control in your network, you can designate another VLAN as primary. To summarize, designating a non-default VLAN as primary means that:

The stacking feature runs on the switch’s designated primary VLAN instead of the default VLAN

The switch reads DHCP responses on the primary VLAN instead of on the default VLAN. (This includes such DHCP-resolved parameters as the TimeP server address, Default TTL, and IP addressing—including the Gateway IP address—when the switch configuration specifies DHCP as the source for these values.)

The default VLAN continues to operate as a standard VLAN (except, as noted above, you cannot delete it or change its VID).

Any ports not specifically assigned to another VLAN will remain assigned to the Default VLAN, regardless of whether it is the primary VLAN.

Candidates for primary VLAN include any static VLAN currently configured on the switch. (A dynamic—GVRP-learned—VLAN that has not been converted to a static VLAN cannot be the primary VLAN.) To display the current primary VLAN, use the CLI show vlans command.

N o t e

If you configure a non-default VLAN as the primary VLAN, you cannot delete


that VLAN unless you first select a different VLAN to act as primary.


If you manually configure a gateway on the switch, it will ignore any gateway


address received via DHCP or Bootp.


