Quality of Service (QoS): Managing Bandwidth More Effectively

Using QoS Types To Configure QoS for Outbound Traffic


Syntax: qos type-of-service diff-services < codepoint >

Causes the switch to read the < codepoint > (DSCP) of an incoming IPv4 packet and, when a match occurs, assign a corresponding 802.1p priority, as configured in the switch’s DSCP table (page 6-33).

no qos type-of-service

Disables all ToS type operation.

no qos dscp-map < codepoint >

Disables direct 802.1p priority assignment to packets carrying the < codepoint > by reconfiguring the codepoint priority assignment in the DSCP table to No-override. Note that if this codepoint is in use as a DSCP policy for another diffserv codepoint, you must disable or redirect the other diffserv codepoint’s DSCP policy before you can disable or change the codepoint. For example, in figure 6-5you cannot change the priority for the 000000 codepoint until you redirect the DSCP policy for 000001 away from using 000000 as a policy. (Refer to “Note On Changing a Priority Setting” on page 6-35.Refer also to “Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP) Mapping” on page 6-32.)

show qos type-of-service

Displays current Type-of-Service configuration. In diffserv mode it also shows the current direct 802.1p assignments and the current DSCP assignments covered later in this section.
