N o t e o n V L A N N u m b e r s

Multimedia Traffic Control with IP Multicast (IGMP)

How IGMP Operates

Setting Forced Fast-Leave Using the MIB

Fast-Leave and Forced Fast-Leave options for a port can also be set through the switch’s MIB (Management Information Base).





Forced Fast-




Uses the setmib command to enable or disable

Leave state




Forced Fast-Leave on individual ports. When





enabled on a port, Forced Fast-Leave operates only

if the switch detects multiple end nodes (and at least one IGMP client) on that port.

In the ProCurve switches covered in this guide, the walkmib and setmib commands use an internal VLAN number (and not the VLAN ID, or VID) to display or change many per-vlan features, such as the Forced Fast-Leave state. Because the internal VLAN number for the default VLAN is always 1 (regardless of whether VLANs are enabled on the switch), and because a discussion of internal VLAN numbers for multiple VLANs is beyond the scope of this manual, this section concentrates on examples that use the default VLAN.

Listing the MIB-Enabled Forced Fast-Leave Configuration

The Forced Fast-Leave configuration data is available in the switch’s MIB, and includes the state (enabled or disabled) for each port and the Forced-Leave Interval for all ports on the switch.

To List the Forced Fast-Leave State for all Ports in the Switch. In the CLI, use the walkmib command, as shown below.

1.Enter either of the following walkmib command options: walkmib hpSwitchIgmpPortForcedLeaveState

- OR -


The resulting display lists the Forced Fast-Leave state for all ports in the switch, by VLAN. (A port belonging to more than one VLAN will be listed once for each VLAN, and if multiple VLANs are not configured, all ports will be listed as members of the default VLAN.) The following command produces a listing such as that shown in figure 4-4:
