



Static VLAN Options—Per VLAN Specified on Each Port 1







Port Activity: Forbid (Per VLAN)2


Port Activity:

Port Activity:



Auto2 (Per VLAN)



Tagged or Untagged (Per VLAN)








The port:

The port:

The port:


• Belongs to the specified VLAN.

• Will become a member of

• Will not become a member of


• Advertises this VLAN.

specified VLAN if it receives

the specified VLAN.


• Will not become a member of

advertisements for this VLAN.

• Will not advertise this VLAN.


new dynamic VLANs for which

• Will advertise this VLAN.

• Will not become a member of


it receives advertisements.

• Will not become a member of

dynamic VLANs for which it


• Will advertise dynamic VLANs

new dynamic VLANs for which

receives advertisements.


that have at least one other

it receives advertisements.

• Will advertise dynamic VLANs


port as a member.

• Will advertise dynamic VLANs

that have at least one other



that have at least one other

port (on the same switch) as a



port (on the same switch) as a











The port:

The port:

The port:


• Is a member of the specified

• Will not become a member of

• Will not become a member of



the specified VLAN.

this VLAN.


• Will ignore GVRP PDUs.

• Will ignore GVRP PDUs.

• Will ignore GVRP PDUs.


• Will not join any advertised

• Will not join any dynamic

• Will not join any dynamic






• Will not advertise VLANs.

• Will not advertise VLANs.

• Will not advertise VLANs.





1Each port on the switch must be a Tagged or Untagged member of at least one VLAN. Thus, any port configured for GVRP to Learn or Block will generate and forward advertisements for static VLAN(s) configured on the switch and also for dynamic VLANs the switch learns on other ports.

2To configure tagging, Auto, or Forbid, see “Configuring Static VLAN Name and Per-Port Settings” on page 2-27(for the CLI) or “Adding or Changing a VLAN Port Assignment” on page 2-18(for the menu).


As the preceding table indicates, when you enable GVRP, a port that has a


Tagged or Untagged static VLAN has the option for both generating advertise-


ments and dynamically joining other VLANs.



N o t e

In table 3-2,above, the Unknown VLAN parameters are configured on a per-


port basis using the CLI. The Tagged, Untagged, Auto, and Forbid options are


configured per static VLAN on every port, using either the menu interface or


the CLI.


Because dynamic VLANs operate as Tagged VLANs, and because a tagged port


on one device cannot communicate with an untagged port on another device,


ProCurve recommends that you use Tagged VLANs for the static VLANs you


will use to generate advertisements.


