ACOT 11-19

ACSC 11-19

ASEC 11-19

COT 11-19

CSC 11-19

SEC 11-20 trng 2-6

truncating values to decimal places 11-16

tstep 2-6,16-35 Two-Proportion Z-Interval 9-17 Two-Proportion Z-Test 9-11 Two-Sample T-Interval 9-19 Two-Sample T-test 9-14 Two-Sample Z-Interval 9-16 typing letters 1-6


undefined name R-18 result R-18

un-zoom 2-11

upper-tail chi-squared probability 11-12

upper-tail normal probability 11-13 upper-tail Snedecor’s F 11-13 upper-tail student’s t-probability 11-13

user defined regression fit 8-13



recall 12-3 storing 12-2

variables aplet 12-1 categories 12-7

definition 12-1,12-7,R-2 in equations 7-10

in Symbolic view 2-3 independent 16-35 local 12-1

previous result (Ans) 1-23 printing 16-25

root 16-33 root-finding 3-10

step size of independent 16-35

types 12-1,12-7

use in calculations 12-3 VARS menu 12-4,12-5 vectors

column 13-1

cross product 13-10 definition of R-2

views 1-18 configuration 1-18 definition of R-3


warning symbol 1-8

where command ( ) 11-18


Xcross variable 16-35 xrng 2-6


Ycross variable 16-36 yrng 2-6


Z-Interval 9-15 zoom 2-18

axes 2-12 box 2-9 center 2-9 examples of 2-11 factors 2-13

in 2-9

options 2-9,3-8

options within a table 2-18 out 2-9

redrawing table of numbers op- tions 2-18

square 2-10 un-zoom 2-11

within Numeric view 2-18 X-zoom 2-9

Y-zoom 2-10



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HP 39g+ Graphing manual Index