6.To copy the value of the variable into the edit

line, press and press .

Memory Manager

You can use the Memory Manager to determine the amount of available memory on the calculator. You can also use Memory Manager to organize memory. For example, if the available memory is low, you can use the Memory Manager to determine which aplets or variables consume large amounts of memory. You can make deletions to free up memory.



Start the Memory Manager. A list of variable



categories is displayed.













Free memory is





displayed in the top





right corner and the





body of the screen lists





each category, the memory it uses, and the



percentage of the total memory it uses.



Select the category with which you want to work and




. Memory Manager displays memory



details of variables within the category.








3. To delete variables in a category:




to delete the selected variable.




CLEAR to delete all variables in the




selected category.

Variables and memory management
