
Possible cause


Card is

The memory

Format the memory card


card needs to be

by using the Format Card



option in the Delete menu.



This will delete all data on



the card.




Card has wrong

The memory

Re-format the card by


card is formatted

using the Format Card


for a different

option in the Delete menu.


device such as



an MP3 player.





Unable to format

The memory

Replace the memory card.


card is








Card is locked

The locking tab

Switch the locking tab to


on the side of the

the unlocked position or


memory card is

insert a new card.


in the locked








Charging Flash...

The camera is

It takes longer to charge


recharging the

the flash when the



batteries are low. If you



see this message a lot, you



may need to replace or



recharge the batteries.




Card full

There is

Unload images from the


insufficient room

camera to your computer,


to save more

then delete all images on


images on the

the memory card. Or


memory card.

replace the card with a



new one.





hp photosmart 850 user’s manual