This effectively AC grounds the receiver end of the quarter-wave line through CR802 and C847. When one end of a quarter-wave line is grounded, the other end presents a high impedance to the quarter-wave frequency. Therefore, the VCO signal is blocked from the receiver by the quarter-wave line and has a low impedance path through CR801 to the transmitter.

In the receive mode, both diodes are reverse biased. The quarter-wave line is then no longer grounded and provides a low impedance path to the receiver while CR802 provides a high impedance into the transmitter. L801/C846 and L800/C845 improve isolation by neutralizing the slight capacitance of CR801 and CR802 when they are reverse biased.



A block diagram of synthesizer IC U804 is shown in Figure 3-5on page 5-16.This integrated circuit contains the following stages. The basic operation of U804 was described in Section 3.10.1.

Reference (R) divider

Main divider

Prescaler (÷64/65)

Phase and lock detectors

Charge pump and divider programming circuitry

Channel Programming

Channels are selected by programming the main divider in U804 to divide by a certain number. This programming is performed by the microcontroller over the SPI serial data bus which consists of CLOCK, DATA, and STROBE lines (see Section 3.3.1). As previously described, this divider is programmed so that when the VCO is oscillating on the correct frequency, the fR and fV inputs to the phase detector are the same frequency.


As stated in Section 3.10.1, the fR input to the main phase detector is 50 kHz for all channels. The reference oscillator frequency is divided by 350 (800 MHz) or 297 (900 MHz) to produce this signal. Frac-

tional-N division with modulo 5 or 8 selection allows the loop frequency to be 5 or 8 times the channel spacing. With 800 and 900 MHz channels, modulo 8 is used to allow 6.25 kHz (12.5 kHz) channel spacing.

The fV input is produced by dividing down the VCO frequency applied to the RF IN input. The first divider which divides this signal is a prescaler which is a special counter capable of operating at relatively high frequencies. The prescaler divides by 64 and 65 which reduces a signal in the 800 MHz range down to approximately 12 MHz. For each main divider output pulse (fV), the prescaler divides by 65 for a certain number of pulses and then 64 for an additional number of pulses. The number counted in each mode is determined by the programming of the “N” and “A” numbers. The basic operation is as follows:

The main divider begins counting down from the “A” number. Then when zero is reached, it begins counting down from the “N” number until zero is reached. The cycle then repeats. While it is counting down the “A” number, the prescaler divides by 65, and while it is counting down the “N” number, it divides by 64.

To illustrate the operation of these dividers, an example will be used. Assume a transmit frequency of 813.4875 MHz is selected (800 MHz FCC channel 300). Since the VCO oscillates on the transmit frequency in the transmit mode, this is the frequency that must be produced by the VCO. To produce this frequency, the “N” and “A” divide numbers are programmed as follows:

N = 239

A = 13

To determine the overall divide number of the prescaler and main divider, the number of prescaler input pulses required to produce one main divider output pulse can be determined. Although the “N” number is 239 in this example, the actual divide number is always two higher (241) because of reset cycles and other effects. Therefore, the prescaler divides by 65 for 13 x 65 or 845 input pulses. It then divides by 64 for 241 x 64 or 15,424 input pulses.

Since the VCO frequency is not evenly divisible by 50 kHz, there is also a fractional-N number programmed that provides the required fractional


February 2001


Part No. 001-9800-001