1.Position your cursor where you want the constant inserted.
2.Press [ 2nd ] [ CONST ] to display the physics constants menu.
3.Scroll through the menu until the constant you want is underlined.
4.Press []. (See Example 34.)
Multi-statement functions
When execution reaches the end of a statement that is followed by the display result command symbol (), execution stops and the result up to that point appears on the display. You can resume execution by pressing
[]. See Example 35.
Chapter 5 : Graphs
Built-in Function Graphs
You can produce graphs of the following functions: sin, cos, tan, sin
tan ,
, x 2 , x 3 , log, ln, 10 x, e x, x
When you generate a
User-generated Graphs
You can also specify your own
Press the [ Range ] key to access the range parameters for each axis: minimum value, maximum value, and scale (that is, the distance between the tick marks along an axis).