Each program needs an END command to mark the end of the program. This is displayed automatically when you create a new program.

Increment and decrement



Post-fixed: Memory variable + +


Memory variable – –

Pre-fixed: + + Memory variable


– – Memory variable

A memory variable is decreased or increased by one. For standard memory variables, the + + ( Increment ) and – – ( Decrement ) operators can be either post-fixed or pre-fixed. For array variables, the operators must be pre-fixed.

With pre-fixed operators, the memory variable is computed before the expression is evaluated; with post-fixed operators, the memory variable is computed after the expression is evaluated.

For loop

FOR ( start condition; continue condition; re-evaluation ) { statements }

A FOR loop is useful for repeating a set of similar actions while a specified counter is between certain values.

For example:

FOR ( A = 1 ; A 4 ; A + + )

{C = 3 × A ; PRINT ANS = , C }


Result : ANS = 3, ANS = 6, ANS = 9, ANS = 12

The processing in this example is:

1.FOR A = 1: This initializes the value of A to 1. Since A = 1 is consistent with A 4, the statements are executed and A is incremented by 1.

2.Now A = 2. This is consistent with A 4, so the statements are executed and A is again incremented by 1. And so on.

3.When A = 5, it is no longer true that A 4, so statements are not executed. The program then moves on to the next block of code.

Sleep command

SLEEP ( time )

A SLEEP command suspends program execution for a specified time (up to a maximum of 105 seconds). This is useful for displaying intermediate results before resuming execution.

Swap command

SWAP ( memory variable A, memory variable B )
