After setting the range, press [ Graph ] and enter the expression to be graphed. See Example 37.

Graph Text Display and Clearing a Graph

Press [ GT ] to switch between graph display and text display and vice versa.

To clear the graph, please press [ 2nd ] [ CLS ].

Zoom Function

The zoom function lets you enlarge or reduce the graph. Press [ 2nd ]

[ Zoom x f ] to specify the factor for enlarging the graph, or press [ 2nd ] [ Zoom x 1/f ] to specify the factor for reducing the graph. To return the graph to its original size, press [ 2nd ] [ Zoom Org ]. See Example 37.

Superimposing Graphs

A graph can be superimposed over one or more graphs. This makes it easy to determine intersection points and solutions that satisfy all the corresponding expressions. See Example 38.

Be sure to input variable X in the expression for the graph you want to superimpose over a built-in graph. If variable X is not included in the second expression, the first graph is cleared before the second graph is generated. See Example 39.

Trace Function
