SmartShare® User Manual
Internet/WAN (Wide Area Network) configuration menu
The Internet service provider usually supplies all the information that is needed to set the WAN configuration in a letter accompanying the confirmation of the Internet subscription.
Internet Service Provider connection type
The WAN can be configured for 3 types of connection to the Internet service provider:
•Static IP
WAN with Static IP
The following information is required:
•IP address
•Router (Default Gateway)
•Primary DNS Server
The following information is optional:
•Secondary DNS Server
This type of connection is fully automatic. If the Internet service provider (ISP) requires a device name in the DHCP request, it can be configured here.
WAN with PPPoE
The following information is required:
•PPPoE username
•PPPoE password
Connection Speed
The Internet connection speed must be set correctly, or the bandwidth distribution will not function as intended.
The following information is required:
•Download speed in Kbit/s
•Upload speed in Kbit/s
If the connection speed advertised by the Internet service provider (ISP) contains two numbers, for example 1024/256; the download speed is normally the larger of the numbers and the upload speed is the lesser.
Please note that an advertised speed of 1M sometimes means 1024 and 2M sometimes means 2048, but 10M typically means 10000 and 100M always means 100000.
Many ISPs advertise the gross connection speed, which does not include overhead in the ISP’s network (e.g. PPPoE encapsulation and ATM cell alignment). The speed settings in the SmartShare must be entered as net values. This means that they may need some adjustment to compensate for the overhead in ISP’s network. Entering the speeds as 80% of the ISP’s advertised speeds is a good rule of thumb.
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