Compaq Global Mini PCI 56k (V.90) Modem by 3Com


White Paper

S-Register Descriptions

S0 Ring to Answer On

Sets the number of rings required before the modem automatically answers a call. If set to 0, auto-answer mode is disabled and manual answer is in effect.

Range: 0 - 255

Default: 0

Units: Rings

S1 Ring Count

Counts and logs the number of rings received.

Range: 0 - 255

Default: 0

Units: Rings

S2 Escape Code Character

Designates the ASCII character used to indicate an escape character.

Range: 0 - 127

Default: 43

Units: ASCII

S3 Carriage Return Character

Designates the ASCII character used for carriage returns.


0 - 127, ASCII decimal

Default: 13

Units: ASCII

S4 Line Feed Character

Designates the ASCII character used for line feeds.


0 - 127, ASCII decimal

Default: 10

Units: ASCII
