
Common Problems

Use the following suggestions to troubleshoot problems with the iPAQ Pocket PC.


I cannot see anything on the screen.

Be sure the iPAQ Pocket PC is powered on.

Be sure the iPAQ Pocket PC is connected to the AC Adapter and the USB Synchronization Cable.

Reset the device by using the stylus to lightly press the reset button on the back of the unit.

I cannot keep my

• Always keep the iPAQ Pocket PC connected to the AC

battery charged.

adapter when you are not using it.


• In the backlight settings, adjust the bar to a lower level to


conserve the more battery power.

The backlight keeps turning off.

In Backlight Settings, increase the amount of time the backlight stays on if not in use.

Select the option to turn on the backlight when you touch the screen or push a button

User’s Guide
