HP hx4700 manual Searching for Networks to Access, Only computer-to-computer

Models: hx4700

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Using Wi-Fi

12.For increased security, tap 802.1x tab and select the Use IEEE802.1x network access control checkbox. You should only check this option if it is supported by your network environment. Ask your network administrator if you are unsure.

13.Select EAP type (PEAP or Smart Card/Certificate) from the listbox.

14.Once you have completed entering the network settings, tap OK and OK again to exit this menu.

Searching for Networks to Access

Networks that you have already configured are preferred networks and can be found on the iPAQ Wireless screen > Settings > Wireless Networks list box. You can choose whether to connect only to preferred networks or to have your HP iPAQ search for and connect to any available network (preferred or not).

1.From the iPAQ Wireless screen, tap > Settings > Wireless tab.

2.In the Networks to access box, tap the type of network you want to connect to (All Available, Only access points, or

Only computer-to-computer).

3.To connect only to networks that have already been configured, clear the Automatically connect to non-preferred networks checkbox.

Note: If you check the Automatically connect to non-preferred networks checkbox, your HP iPAQ detects any new networks and provides you the opportunity to configure them.

User’s Guide


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HP hx4700 manual Searching for Networks to Access, Only computer-to-computer