The HP Smart Setup EBSU utility provides the following capabilities:

Configure Storage Adapters—Configures bootable I/O adapters. A submenu provides a list of storage adapters from which to choose.

Smart Setup—Provides a wizard that guides you through the following set of preselected Linux installation setup tasks:

Updating firmware

Creating disk partitions

Installing offline diagnostic tools

Installing Linux

Maintain Firmware—Upgrades the firmware for all the selected devices that can be upgraded. You can upgrade all the devices at once or select one or more individually.

NOTE: You may not be able to use the Smart Setup function to upgrade the firmware of some devices. This function does not allow you to upgrade the firmware if the installed version is the same or higher than the version of the HP Smart Setup utility. However, you can make a firmware downgrade by selecting the Maintain Firmware function from the Main Menu. When using this function, you are prompted for confirmation of the downgrade.

The Smart Setup wizard upgrades the firmware for all supported servers except the following:










Superdome sx1000

For these servers, you must contact HP Support for assistance in upgrading the firmware.

Create Partitions and Install Diagnostics—Creates partitions, such as the EFI System Partition (ESP) or the HP Service Partition (HPSP).

ESP - A partition that is required to boot the OS. Only the EFI drivers and the OS files should be stored here. This partition is labeled EFIPART.

HPSP - An optional partition. The files from the HP Itanium Processor Family (IPF) Offline Diagnostics and Utilities media are stored here. This partition is labeled HPPART.

Install Linux—Launches the Linux Installer.

System Inventory—Retrieves system information and displays a complete, categorized report of the system inventory information including the UUID (Logical) and Serial Number (Logical) when possible, installed memory, and the firmware version for all I/O adapters.

Install Diagnostics—Installs a copy of the diagnostics programs from the HP Itanium Processor Family (IPF) Offline Diagnostics and Utilities media to the HPSP partition.

Install and Update Support Tools—Copies support tools to the HPSP partition. These tools are for use only by HP Support.

Drive Explorer—Offers these options:

Execute - Launches Drive Explorer, which displays the directories present on the disks in the EFI partition or executes EFI programs.

Install - Installs Drive Explorer.

IMPORTANT: When using QLogic Fibre Channel adapters while using the configuring partitions, creating partitions, or HP Smart Setup EBSU utilities, if an older version of the EFI aux driver is installed it is possible that storage devices attached to this adapter may not be detected. If this situation occurs, a prompt is displayed and you must update the firmware of the QLogic Fibre Channel adapters before reattempting the utility.

HP Smart Setup Utilities


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HP Integrity Essentials Pack for Linux Software manual Install Linux-Launches the Linux Installer