Online Security

When you purchase items over the Internet, you are asked to type your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and credit card information into an electronic form.

Sending information to an online storefront is comparable to giving it over the telephone when you order from a catalog.

important: Give this information only on aSecure Web site.

What Is a Secure Web Site?

A secure Web site encrypts data to protect it from unauthorized use. When you visit secure Web sites, it is safe to enter your credit card number or other sensitive information. The lock or key disappears or is broken when you click on a site that doesn’t take security measures.

Many Internet sites are set up to prevent unauthorized people from seeing information that is sent to or from those sites. These are called secure sites. Because your Home Internet Appliance supports the security protocols used by secure sites, you can send information to a secure site with safety and confidence. (A protocol is a set of rules and standards that enables computers to exchange information.

How Do I Recognize a Secure Web Site?

When you visit a secure Web site, it automatically sends you its certificate, and your Home Internet Appliance displays a lock icon on the MSN™ Companion toolbar.

Always look for the lock icon on the toolbar before you send private information (like your credit card number) over the Internet. The lock icon is on the tool bar just below the page options button where the day of the week and time usually are displayed.