The Push Pad

The most obvious difference between the Appliance keyboard and a typewriter is the pad and buttons located below the space bar. These items are known as the Push Pad and the Select buttons.

The Push Pad is used to move the cursor, or pointer, around the screen. You had some practice using the Push Pad when you had your first orientation tour and registered your Home Internet Appliance. It won't be long before using the Push Pad becomes second nature.

The Select button is the button you will use the most. Pressing the Select button is usually referred to as clicking. Press this button to select a hyperlink.

Using the Push Pad

The Push Pad (also known as the pointing device) moves the cursor around the screen. The Select button is located just below the Push Pad. As a reminder, the button on the left is labeled Select with a removable label.

When you press and hold down the top edge of the Push Pad, the cursor moves toward the top of the screen. When you press and hold down the bottom edge of the Push Pad, the cursor moves toward the bottom of the screen. Corresponding actions occur when you hold down the left, the right, or a diagonal part of the Push Pad.

Pressing the Push Pad harder along one edge makes the cursor move more rapidly across the screen. Pressing the Push Pad lightly on the edge moves the cursor more slowly.

With practice, you’ll soon learn how to move the cursor as easily as you move your fingers.