Who Should Read this Guide?

This guide is designed for people who are just beginning to investigate the Internet and the convenience of e-mail.

See also ...

For more information, see online Help.

Note: The Internet is constantly changing. The images of Web pages found throughout this guide are for demonstration purposes only and represent content available at time of publication. Actual screens will vary.

Using Your Home Internet Appliance Getting Started Guide

This easy-to-use guide helps you find the information you want as quickly as possible. The page layout allows you to see at a glance how the information is organized.You can read from cover to cover to learn basic information about your Home Internet Appliance, or you can scan the guide for information on a specific topic.

The left column lists the most important topics. It explains what the topic is and why it is important to you. This column also contains warnings and useful tips and tells you about other reference materials.

The right column explains how to perform a procedure. It contains step-by-step instructions.

Graphics help you visualize the task and to validate what you are doing, as you do it. Detailed graphics may span both columns.