
Possible Cause


while observing the Caps Lock LED. The LED should either turn on or off after pressing the Caps Lock key.

Missing one of the primary colors (Red, Green, or Blue).

The video cable or video card is not properly connected.

Inspect the monitor's video cable and make sure that none of the pins are bent.

Make sure the monitor's video cable is properly connected to the computer.

Screen image is not centered or sized

Position may need adjustment.

Adjust the Horizontal Position and Vertical Position



from the OSD menu or press the Auto/OK button on



the front panel to adjust the screen image.




Picture has color defects (white does

Color needs adjusting.

Adjust RGB color or select Custom Color from the

not look white).


OSD menu.




Horizontal or vertical disturbances on

Screen image needs

Turn off the system using the operating system’s

the screen.


Shut Down mode. Turn on the system, then adjust



the monitor’s Clock and Clock Phase from the OSD



menu or press the Auto/OK button on the front panel



to adjust the screen image.




Using the Worldwide Web

For the online access to technical support information, self-solve tools, online assistance, community forums of IT experts, broad mutlivendor knowledge base, monitoring and diagnostic tools, go to

Preparing to Call Technical Support

If you cannot solve a problem using the troubleshooting tips in this section, you may need to call technical support. Have the following information available when you call:

Monitor model number

Monitor serial number

Purchase date on invoice

Conditions under which the problem occurred

Error messages received

Hardware configuration

Name and version of the hardware and software you are using

Locating the Rating Labels

The rating labels on the monitor provide the spare part number, product number, and serial number. You may need these numbers when contacting HP about the monitor model.

The rating labels are located on the back of the monitor.

18 Appendix A Troubleshooting