HP M1136, M1217nfw, M1132 manual Solve connectivity problems, Solve wireless problems

Models: M1136 M1132 M1217nfw

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Solve connectivity problems

Solve wireless problems

The installation program cannot detect the product during the setup process.





The product is off.

Verify that the product is on and ready. Restart the product if





The product is too far away from the wireless router or access

Move the product closer to the wireless router or access point.





A personal firewall program is blocking communication.

Temporarily disable the firewall program to install the product.


Re-enable the firewall program once the product installation is


complete. If disabling the firewall allows you to communicate


with the product, you might want to assign the product a static


IP address, and then re-enable the firewall. For information


about firewalls that are used in an HP environment, see



The product is not communicating with the wireless router or access point.

Verify that the wireless light is on. If it is not on, press the Wireless button.

Move the product closer to the wireless router or access point, and then try again.

Restore the default wireless settings. See Restore default wireless settings on page 10.

If the error persists, uninstall the product, and then re-run the installer program. When prompted for network settings, provide the settings, and then continue the installation.

14 Chapter 5 Solve problems


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HP M1136, M1217nfw, M1132 manual Solve connectivity problems, Solve wireless problems