The model number of each Paslode tool contains information about the tool and the fasteners that are used with it. The following example illustrates the information contained in this tool model number.
NAILER | O | 000 | / 00 C | P |
| |
Tool application letter
Maximum fastener length, in inches that can be used with the tool
Power Pack
Type of tool
( C = coil nailer) ( S = strip nailer) ( F = finish nailer) ( R = Roof nailer)
Maximum fastener length in millimeters
STAPLER | O 000 / 00 - S 00 P |
Tool application letter
Maximum fastener length, in inches that can be used with the tool
Maximum fastener length in millimeters
Type of tool
( P= powerpack)
( DL= double length)
Gauge of fastener
Indicates crown size ( W = wide)
( S = standard)
( I = intermediate) ( N = narrow)
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