

Possible solution



Computer will not turn on

Ensure that cables connecting the computer to the external power source are

or start.

plugged in properly.




When the cables connecting the computer to the external power source are


plugged in properly, and the wall outlet is functioning, the green power supply


light on the back of the computer should be on; if it is not, refer to the Limited


Warranty and Support Guide to contact Support.




If the display (monitor) is blank, the monitor may not be properly connected.


Connect the monitor to the computer, plug it in, and turn it on. See “Display


(Monitor)” on page 10.




Set the line voltage selection switch to the correct setting for your


country/region, or refer to the Limited Warranty and Support Guide to


contact Support.




Test the wall outlet by connecting a different electrical device to it.




Incompatible memory (RAM) may have been installed. Reinstall the old


memory to return your computer to its original state. For instructions, refer to


the Upgrading and Servicing Guide.




Reseat the hard disk drive data and power cables. For instructions, refer to the


Upgrading and Servicing Guide.



Error message: Invalid system

When drive activity stops, remove the disk and press the spacebar on the

disk or Non-System disk or

keyboard. The computer should start up.

disk error.


Computer does not turn off when the On button is pressed.

Press and hold the On button until the computer turns off.

Computer shuts down

The computer may be in an exceedingly hot environment. Let it cool down.


Ensure computer air vents are not blocked and internal fan is running. Note



that your computer may not have an internal fan.



Computer displays the wrong

The real-time clock (RTC) battery may need to be replaced. Battery life is

date and time.

approximately seven years.


Before replacing the battery, try resetting the date and time in your operating


system by using the Control Panel. If the problem persists, replace the battery.


For instructions, refer to the Upgrading and Servicing Guide.

Computer displays a processor speed that is lower than expected.

This happens when the processor is automatically running in a lower power state, because the applications running do not require the maximum processing power.

18Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide