Chapter 8. Managing Replication









Replica has a

specified at the

not replicate any data

it occurs before the

different generation

beginning of this

to the consumer.

consumer is

ID than the local data

message has not


initialized. Otherwise,


been (successfully)


reinitialize the


initialized yet, or it


consumer if the


was initialized from a


message is


different root supplier.


persistent. In a








environment, all the




servers should be




initialized only once




from a root supplier,




directly or indirectly.




For example, M1




initializes M2 and M4,




M2 then initializes




M3, and so on. The




important thing to




note is that M2 must




not start initializing




M3 until M2's own




initialization is done




(check the total




update status from




the M1's Console or




M1 or M2's error log).




Also, M2 should not




initialize M1 back.





Warning: data for

This message may

The server will not be

Check the disk space

replica's was

appear only when a

able to send the

and the possible core

reloaded, and it no

supplier is restarted.

changes to a

file (under the

longer matches the

It indicates that the

consumer if the

server's logs

data in the

supplier was unable


directory). If this is a


to write the changelog

no longer exists in the


Recreating the

or did not flush out its

server's changelog.

replication, reinitialize

changelog file. This

RUV at its last


the consumers.

could affect

shutdown. The former


Otherwise, if the

replication with

is usually because of


server later complains

replica's consumers,

a disk-space problem,


that it can't locate

in which case the

and the latter


some CSN for a

consumers should be

because a server


consumer, see if the


crashed or was


consumer can get the


ungracefully shut


CSN from other




suppliers. If not,






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HP UX Red Hat Direry Server Software manual Error/Symptom Reason Impact Remedy