
change type, 33 entry format, 539

organization, 542 organizational person, 545 organizational unit, 544

example, 548 internationalization and, 549 line continuation, 540 Server Console and, 26 specifying entries

organization, 543 organizational person, 545 organizational unit, 544

update statements, 32

using to create directory, 546 LDIF entries

binary data in, 541 creating, 542

organizational person, 545 organizational units, 544 organizations, 542

internationalization and, 549 LDIF files

continued lines, 540 creating directory using, 546 creating multiple entries, 26 example, 548

importing from Server Console, 26 internationalization and, 549

LDIF format, 539

LDIF update statements, 32 adding attributes, 37 adding entries, 34 continued lines, 33 deleting attribute values, 39 deleting attributes, 39 deleting entries, 40 modifying attribute values, 38 modifying entries, 36 syntax, 33

ldif utility

converting binary data to LDIF, 542 ldif2db utility, 116

options, 376 perl script, 118 ldif2ldap utility, 119 legacy consumer

configuration, 335 legacy replication plug-in

overview, 270

less than or equal to search international example, 568 syntax, 560

less than search international example, 568 syntax, 560

local password policy, 243 locales

defined, 577 location of files, 578 supported, 578

locked accounts, 258 lockout duration, 258 log files, 431

access log, 433 audit log, 437 database transaction, 466 deletion policy, 433 error log, 435

location of, 438 manually rotating, 438 rotation policy, 431 setting file permissions, 431 viewing when server is down, 431


for WinSync, 536 login identity

changing, 8 viewing, 9

loop detection cascading chaining, 99


macro ACIs example, 235 overview, 235 syntax, 237

managed device overview, 453

managed object, 453 managed role

creating, 134 example, 140


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