Appendix C. LDAP URLs

The following LDAP URL specifies a base search for the entry with the distinguished name dc=example,dc=com.


Because no port number is specified, the standard LDAP port number (389) is used.

Because no attributes are specified, the search returns all attributes.

Because no search scope is specified, the search is restricted to the base entry dc=example,dc=com.

Because no filter is specified, the directory uses the default filter (objectclass=*).

Example 2.

The following LDAP URL retrieves the postalAddress attribute of the entry with the DN dc=example,dc=com:


Because no search scope is specified, the search is restricted to the base entry dc=example,dc=com.

Because no filter is specified, the directory uses the default filter (objectclass=*).

Example 3.

The following LDAP URL retrieves the cn, mail, and telephoneNumber attributes of the entry for Barbara Jensen:


Because no search scope is specified, the search is restricted to the base entry cn=Barbara Jensen,dc=example,dc=com.

Because no filter is specified, the directory uses the default filter (objectclass=*).

Example 4.

The following LDAP URL specifies a search for entries that have the surname Jensen and are at any level under dc=example,dc=com:



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HP UX Red Hat Direry Server Software manual Example