Chapter 17. Using the Pass-through Authentication Plug-in






The pass-through subtree. The PTA Directory


Server passes through bind requests to the


authenticating Directory Server from all clients


whose DN is in this subtree. See Section 3.4,


“Specifying the Pass-through Subtree” for


more information. This subtree must not exist


on this server. To pass the bind requests for


o=NetscapeRoot to the configuration


directory, the subtree o=NetscapeRoot must


not exist on the server.




Optional. The maximum number of


connections the PTA directory can


simultaneously open to the authenticating


directory. The default is 3. See Section 3.5,


“Configuring the Optional Parameters” for


more information.




Optional. The maximum number of


simultaneous operations (usually bind


requests) the PTA directory can send to the


authenticating directory within a single


connection. The default is 5. See Section 3.5,


“Configuring the Optional Parameters” for


more information.




Optional. The time limit, in seconds, that the


PTA directory waits for a response from the


authenticating Directory Server. If this timeout


is exceeded, the server returns an error to the


client. The default is 300 seconds (five


minutes). Specify zero (0) to indicate no time


limit should be enforced. See Section 3.5,


“Configuring the Optional Parameters” for


more information.




Optional. The version of the LDAP protocol


used to connect to the authenticating


directory. Directory Server supports LDAP


version 2 and 3. The default is version 3, and


Red Hat strongly recommends against using


LDAPv2, which is old and will be deprecated.


See Section 3.5, “Configuring the Optional


Parameters” for more information.




Optional. The time limit, in seconds, within


which a connection may be used. If a bind


request is initiated by a client after this time




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HP UX Red Hat Direry Server Software Specifying the Pass-through Subtree for, Configuring the Optional Parameters for