This example runs the job exactly the same as in Example 2, but additionally requests that node n3 is not to be used to run the job. Note that this command could have been written to exclude additional nodes.

7.4.3 Submitting a Serial Job

The synopsis of the bsub command to submit a serial (single CPU) job to LSF-HPC is:

bsub [bsub-options ] [ srun [srun-options]]jobname [job-options]

The bsub command launches the job.

The srun command is only necessary to launch the job on the allocated node if the HP XC JOB STARTER script is not configured. to run a job on the compute nodes in the lsf partition.

The jobname argument is the name of an executable file.

Consider an HP XC system configuration in which lsfhost.localdomain is the LSF execution host and nodes n[1-10]are compute nodes in the lsf partition. All nodes contain two processors, providing 20 processors for use by LSF jobs. Example 7-5shows one way to submit a parallel job on this system.

Example 7-5: Submitting an Interactive Serial Job

$ bsub -I hostname

Job <73> is submitted to default queue <normal>. <<Waiting for dispatch ...>>

<<Starting on lsfhost.localdomain>> n1

This command runs the serial hostname job interactively on a compute node (n1). The -Ioption specifies interactive; output appears on your display.

7.4.4 Submitting a Job in Parallel

The synopsis of the bsub command, which submits a job to run in parallel to LSF-HPC, is:

bsub -nnum-procs[bsub-options ] srun [srun-options]jobname [job-options]

The bsub command submits the job to LSF-HPC.

The-nnum-procsoption specifies to LSF-HPC the number of CPUs to be reserved for use by the job.

The srun command is the user job launched by LSF-HPC. The srun command is used to launch the jobname in parallel on the reserved CPUs on the allocated nodes.

The jobname is the name of the executable file to be run in parallel.

7.4.5 Submitting an HP-MPI Job

The synopsis of the bsub command to submit a job to run in parallel to LSF-HPC is as follows:


The mpijob argument has the following format:

mpirun [mpirun--options] [- srun [srun-options]]mpi-jobname

The mpirun command’s -srunoption is only required if the MPI_USESRUN environment variable is not set or if you want to use additional srun options to execute your job. See Chapter 8 for more information on the mpirun command.

Using LSF 7-13