Table 7-2: LSF Equivalents of SLURM srun Options (cont.)

srun Option


LSF Equivalent

-r, --relative=n

Run a job step relative to node n of

Use when launching parallel tasks.


the current allocation. It is about



placing tasks within allocation.


-D, --chdir=path

Specify working directory of job.

Job will be started in job submission directory by default.

-k , –no-kill

Do not automatically terminate a


job if one of the nodes it has been


allocated fails.

-T, --threads=nthreads

srun uses nthreads to initiate and


control the parallel job.

When creating allocation, LSF does not use the –k option. SLURM always terminates a job if one of allocated nodes fails.

Use when launching parallel tasks.

-l , --label

Prepend task number to lines of



-u , --unbuffered

Do not line buffer stdout from


remote tasks.

Use when launching parallel tasks.

Use when launching parallel tasks.

-m, --distribu-

Distribution method for remote




Identify the type of MPI to be used.


Initiate a job step under an already


allocated job id.


Verbose operation.

-d, --slurm-debug=level

A debug level for slurmd.

-W, --wait=seconds

How long to wait after the first task


terminates before terminating all


remaining tasks.

Use when launching parallel tasks.

Use when launching parallel tasks.

Do not use it. SLURM_JOBID is set in job environment to associate job with slurm allocation.

Use when launching parallel tasks.

Use when launching parallel tasks.

Use when launching parallel tasks.

-q, --quit-on-interrupt

Quit immediately on single SIGINT.

Meaningless under LSF.

-Q, --quiet

Suppress informational message.

Use it when launching parallel tasks.


Adjust corefile format for parallel

Use it when launching parallel tasks.




-a, --attach=id

Attach srun to a running job.

Meaningless under LSF.

-j, --join

Join with running job.

Meaningless under LSF.

-s, --steal

Steal connection to running job.

Meaningless under LSF.




Using LSF 7-25