If TotalView is not installed, have your administrator install it. Then either you or your administrator should set up your environment, as described in the next step.

3.Set the DISPLAY environment variable of the system that hosts TotalView to display on your local system.

Also, run the xhosts command to accept data from the system that hosts TotalView; see the X(7X) manpage for more information.

4.Set up your environment to run TotalView. This consists of defining the PATH and MANPATH variables with the location of the TotalView executable and manpages. The methods to do this are in described in Section 2.2. The following list summarizes some suggestions:

Add the module load mpi and module load totalview commands to your login file. This command loads the TotalView modulefile. The TotalView modulefile defines the PATH and MANPATH variables for TotalView in your environment. Be sure to use the correct name of the TotalView modulefile (obtain from your administrator).

Add the location of the TotalView executable and manpages to the PATH and MANPATH variables in your shell initialization file or login file.

Have your administrator set up your environment so that the TotalView modulefile loads automatically when you log in to the system.

______________________ Note: _______________________

If you prefer, you do not have to set up the TotalView environment variables ahead of time. In this case, you must define these variables before running TotalView. There are two ways to do this on the command line:

Enter the module load mpi and module load totalview commands, as described in Section 2.2.

Enter the full TotalView PATH and MANPATH information. See your system administrator for this information. TotalView with SLURM

Use a command to allocate the nodes you will need before you debug an application with SLURM, as shown here:

$ srun -Nx-A

$ mpirun -tv -srun application

These commands allocate x nodes and run TotalView to debug the program named application.

Be sure to exit from the SLURM allocation created with the srun command when you are done. Using TotalView with LSF-HPC

HP recommends the use of xterm when debugging an application with LSF-HPC. You also need to allocate the nodes you will need.

You may need to verify the full path name of the xterm and mpirun commands:

First run a bsub command to allocate the nodes you will need and to launch an xterm window:

$ bsub -nx-ext "SLURM[nodes=x]" \ -Is /usr/bin/xterm

Enter an mpirun -tvcommand in the xterm window to start TotalView on the application you want to debug:

$ mpirun -tv -srun application

Debugging Applications 4-3