To get detailed information about a finished job, add the -loption to the bhist command, shown in Example 7-16. The -loption specifies that the long format is requested.

Example 7-16: Using the bhist Command (Long Output)

$ bhist -l 24

Job <24>, User <lsfadmin>, Project <default>, Interactive pseudo-terminal shell mode, Extsched <SLURM[nodes=4]>, Command </bin/bash> date and time stamp: Submitted from host <n2>, to Queue <normal>, CWD <$HOME>,

4 Processors Requested, Requested Resources <type=any>;

date and time stamp: Dispatched to 4 Hosts/Processors <4*lsfhost.localdomain>;

date and time stamp: slurm_id=22;ncpus=8;slurm_alloc=n[5-8];

date and time stamp: Starting (Pid 4785);

Summary of time in seconds spent in various

states by

date and time stamp



























7.6 Working Interactively Within an LSF-HPC Allocation

The best way to work interactively within an LSF-HPC allocation is to submit an interactive job to LSF-HPC that launches the xterm program on the first allocated node. This requires that your display support an external display connection from another computer. See Section Section 7.6.1 for information on this approach.

If this is not possible, then the next best method is submitting an interactive job to launch a shell. See Section 7.6.2 for more information on this approach.

7.6.1 Submitting an Interactive Job to Launch the xterm Program

The following is a general procedure for launching the xterm program, because there are several ways in which a user can log into an HP XC system:

1.Ensure that your display supports and permits a connection from the HP XC system.

For UNIX and Linux desktops, the easiest but least secure method is to run the following command on your local desktop.

$ xhost +

See the xhost manpage for more information on this command.

2.Login into the HP XC system and set the DISPLAY environment variable to your desktop machine.

For example, if your desktop machine is and your shell is the Korn shell, enter the following:

$ export

3.Test your display configuration by executing the xterm command. You should see a terminal window show up on your display. Enter exit in the xterm window to close the window and end execution.

Debug your display connection if the terminal window did not appear.

4.Submit a job with the resources necessary for your interactive session, and launch the xterm program. The following sample command line requests four nodes:

7-20Using LSF