Using Phone Features 63

2.3 Using Call History

The missed call icon icon appears in the title bar when you missed a call. Open
the Call History to check who the caller was, or view all your dialed numbers and
received calls.
To open the Call History, tap any of the status icons in the title bar to open the
Notifications screen and then tap Missed Call. You can also press the HOME button
to return to the myFaves tab of the TouchFLO 3D Home screen, tap All People, and
then tap .
Received call
Dialed number
Missed call
Filter or clear the
Call History tab.
Open the Call History
tab of the Contact
Details screen and
view all calls you
exchanged with the
If you have a long list of calls in the Call History, tap Menu > Filter, and then select
the type of call you want to display.