Getting started
900(Global System for Mobile communica- tion at 900 MHz) and GPS (Global Position- ing System) technologies. This provides you with the advantages of three technologies in one single mobile phone. Its operation in sat- ellite mode is virtually identical to that of GSM mode. Operations that you may be fa- miliar with using a typical GSM mobile phones will work in a very similar manner when you are using the Thuraya satellite ser- vice. There are, however, a few specific differences between GSM and Satellite oper- ation. The purpose of this section is to make you aware of these differences.
When the mobile phone is idle on the satel- lite system and has good signal strength, calls can be received without the need of extending the antenna. However, when a satellite call is answered or initiated the antenna must be pulled out entirely. Watch the signal strength indicator on the display and move the mobile phone for best connection quality. Satellite calls require the mobile phone to have a clear open surround- ings with no obstruction. The presence of obstacles such as buildings, trees or moun- tains between the mobile phone and the sat- ellite will generally prevent communication. To maintain good call quality, it is also impor- tant that the mobile phone's antenna be pointed roughly in the direction of the satellite:
High Power Alerting
The Thuraya system features a ’High Power Alerting’ capability that allows you to be no- tified of incoming calls even when your mo- bile phone has poor signal coverage. When the mobile phone receives a High Power Alerting signal it will alert you with an ’early ring’ and a special display message (see page 9). To answer the call, you must immediately extend the antenna and move the mobile phone into a position that has a clear ’line of sight’ to the satellite. When this has occurred the mobile phone display will change, prompting you to answer the call and pro- ceed with conversation. If the call is not an- swered promptly after the High Power Alert- ing signal is received, the calling party will be diverted to voice mail and/or an announce- ment stating that you are not available to an- swer.
Just like GSM, the satellite coverage area is divided into many different service regions. The mobile phone searches the network automatically (see page 42) and determines which service region is active by registering its presence with the Thuraya system. If the mobile phone has not been able to update this registration due to a weak signal, the registration information will become out of date or ’stale’. This is indicated on the display by a blinking SAT icon in the left of the signal strength indicator. This condition will clear automatically once signal conditions improve and a call is made or a period of time elapses. You also have the option to speed up that procedure by manually having the mobile phone register with the Thuraya system.
This is accomplished with the function SAT Registration in the mobile phone's menu (see page 43). Make sure you have good SAT sig- nal strength before starting this operation.
Sound & Alert
GPS facilities
WAP Internet