(1197c SI Combo models only)
Side Imaging displays a number of easily recognizable features that allow for accurate interpretation of sonar return. For example, rock and gravel provide a clearer sonar return than mud and sand because of that face away from the transducer. You can find a number of easily recognizable features on the Side following items:
1 Depth - water depth; can be set to alarm when the | 10 |
water becomes too shallow. |
2Temperature - water surface temperature
3Speed - if a Speed accessory or GPS Receiver is attached, the 1100 Series™ can display the speed of the boat, and can keep a triplog of nautical or statute miles traveled.
4Course - the current direction the boat is traveling measured in degrees from North.
6Bottom Return7 | Topography Changes |
| 9 |
| |
8 | The water column shows the relative depth of the |
| water under the boat at a given time. Variations in the |
| width of the water column show variations in the |
| distance to the bottom as the boat passes over. |
9 Shadows result from a lack of reflected sonar from |
| |
| a particular area, and can be more valuable for |
| interpretation than the sonar reflected by the object |
| itself. Use shadows to help you see the image in 3 |
| dimensions, oriented in space. You can gain insight |
| into the actual shape of an object, or the depth to | 1 | 2 |
| which it has sunk into the bottom, through shadows | ||
| |
| on the display. |