Side Imaging View, with Active Cursor
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
1Cursor Info Box
2Depth of Cursor
3Depth Below Cursor
4Distance to Cursor
5Bearing to Cursor
6Active Cursor Icon
Depth: water depth | 7 |
Temp: water surface temperature | 8 |
Speed: speed of Boat | 9 |
Course: the current direction the boat is | 10 |
traveling measured in degrees from North |
VLT: Voltage | 11 |
Freeze Frame - Pressing any arrow on the
Pressing the - or + ZOOM keys while in Freeze Frame will zoom the Side Imaging Image around the cursor, allowing for a more detailed inspection of the sonar returns.
Pressing EXIT will exit Freeze Frame and the display will start to scroll.
NOTE: This view is only available on 1197c SI Combo models.