Bird's Eye View shows a 3D perspective view of the track and the chart land contour from a point above and behind the boat (the eye point).
As the boat turns, the eye point moves to follow the boat. When you press the
Pressing the EXIT key moves the eye point back to its original position behind and above the boat.
NOTE: Only the standard configuration readouts are shown in the graphics. Readouts can be customized to suit your needs.
NOTE: If all selectable readout boxes are turned off below the Bird's Eye pane, the window will stretch to fill
the whole vertical pane. See Navigation
Bird's Eye View (Standard)
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 | 5 |
1 | Depth |
| VLT: Voltage | 5 |
2 | Temp: water surface temperature |
| Boat Icon | 6 |
3 | Speed: speed of boat |
| Cartography | 7 |
4Course: the current direction the boat is traveling measured in degrees from North