corresponding entitlements are not already cached. Entries are invalidated from this cache during role mapping creation, role mapping deletion, resource deletion, externalization, internalization, and logout of the user. Creating a cache entry means executing at least one, but potentially multiple database queries. An entry in the cache is relatively small.
com.ibm.wps.ac.ExplicitEntitlementsCache.* and com.ibm.wps.ac.ChildEntitlementsCache
Default size: 10000, default lifetime: varying (around 10000), usage pattern: invalidation checking.
These caches contain the permissions of a user or group on a number of resources of the same ResourceType. There are dedicated caches for the different ResourceTypes. For example, the cache for pages is called com.ibm.wps.ac. ExplicitEntitlementsCache.CONTENT_NODE. All ResourceTypes that are not specified explicitly will be cached in the default cache. The size of this cache scales with the number of active users/groups multiplied by the different ResourceTypes valid for this cache and accessed by the users and groups, either by ‘using’ the resource during navigating the portal or by portal administration. There is one entry per set of permissions per WebSphere Portal domain. Entries are read during ‘regular’ access control requests, during page rendering and, especially, during portal administration. If a certain resource type is not used, you will see only misses and no other activity on the corresponding cache. Entries are invalidated from this cache during all access control modifications and logins. Creating an entry in one of these caches typically can be done from
Default size: 10000, default lifetime: 8640, usage pattern: regular.
This cache contains the mapping between the external ObjectIDs of individual protected resources, for example page or portlet IDs, and the portal access control specific ObjectIDs stored in the database table PROT_RES. Entries are read from the cache during many portal access control requests. The size of this cache scales with the number of protected resources accessed by the active users in the system. Since this mapping is immutable, this cache is never explicitly invalidated. Creating a cache entry requires a single row database query. An entry in the cache is fairly small.
com.ibm.wps.ac.groupmanagement.NestedGroupCache / com.ibm.wps.ac.groupmanagement.GroupCache
Default size: 1000, default lifetime: 3600, usage pattern: regular.
Only one of these two caches is used in a WebSphere Portal installation depending on your ‘nested groups’ setting. If nested groups aresupported, the NestedGroupCache cache will be used, otherwise the GroupCache is used. The caches contain the nested
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