Default size: 1000, default lifetime: infinite, usage pattern: cascading object types.
This cache stores the Producer Offered Portlets and hence scales with their number. The number of entries in this cache is identical to the number of entries in the portletdescription cache. The WSRP object model data is stored in here, though. Offered portlets are first looked up in this cache and, if the lookup is not successful, the in the ccps cache (see below). Reloading cache entries involves one query against the database. Cached entries are rather small.
Default size: 1000, default lifetime: infinite, usage pattern: regular.
This cache stores the client configure portlets. It is used on the producer side. It scales with the number of provided portlets and the number of remote users having personalized those (Consumer Configured Portlets); hence the maximum would be the number of provided portlets multiplied by the number of remote users accessing the producer. Reloading cache entries involves one query against the database. Cached entries are rather small.
D Y N A M I C A S S E M B L Y / P R O C E S S I N T E G R A T I O N
The following caches are used when dynamic UI functionality, often together with WebSphere Process Server integration are used.
Default size: 2500, default lifetime: infinite, usage pattern: regular.
This cache contains the pending process tasks in the scope of a user. The size of this cache scales with the number of users concurrently using process integration functionality. Each cache entry consists of a complete set of pending process tasks for a given user and therefore can be fairly large in memory. Reloading a cache entry involves accessing the Human Task Manager via an EJB call. The cache is always accessed when the PendingTasksTag is used in a portlet JSP.
You should also configure the setting processintegration.pendingtasks.lifetime in ConfigServices.properties which defaults to a value of 30 seconds. This setting describes the interval at which a process engine is queried for pending tasks of a user and the cache entries are updated.
Default size: 500, default lifetime: infinite, usage pattern: regular.
This cache contains transformation extension nodes. So typically there are only few entries in the cache. There is typically one access to the cache per request. Building an
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