SDK for z/OS, Java 2 Technology Edition, 1.4 provides a
•Test and deploy Java applications at the Java 2 SDK 1.4 API level
•Continue the “write once, run anywhere” Java paradigm at the Java 2 API level
•Take advantage of the new Java 2 function, including XML and Web services
•Continue to take advantage of:
–Common cross platform programming Security APIs within Java framework
–Java Record Input/Output (JRIO) APIs to provide
–Persistent reusable JVM technology for CICS, IMS, and DB2
•Leverage traditional zSeries software and server ben- efi ts: scalability, reliability, availability, performance and serviceability
The Java SDK for z/OS is available via download from the IBM ^zSeries Java Web site and by tape from IBM Software Delivery and Fulfi llment (SDF) in SMP/E format.
For additional information about zSeries Java products, go to: ibm.com/servers/eserver/zseries/software/java/.
z/OS provides Unicode Callable System Services – code page and case conversions from EBCDIC to Unicode:
•DB2 V7 is the fi rst exploiter
•New hardware instruction on zSeries servers has been implemented to provide superior performance
•Unicode Normalization Services allows programmers to decompose or compose characters from another code page and can apply normalization forms to have the same meaning.
REXX Functions
•z/OS V1.4 extends the REXX language on z/OS when used in a UNIX System Services zSeries REXX environ- ment. It includes functions for standard REXX I/O and to easily access some common fi le services and environ- ments variables.
Communication Services
z/OS Version 1 Release 6 base elements
z/OS Communications Server (Multiprotocol/HPR Services, TCP/IP Services, SNA/APPN Services)
OSA Support Facility
z/OS Version 1 Release 6 optional
z/OS Communications Server Security Level 3
The z/OS base includes z/OS Communication Server, which enables: world class TCP/IP and SNA networking support, including enterprise class dependability; perfor- mance and scalability; highly secure connectivity; sup- port for multiple protocols; and effi cient use of networking assets.
z/OS can provide near continuous availability for TCP/IP applications and their users with two key features in z/OS: Sysplex Distributor and Dynamic VIPA.