z/VM provides the capability to account for the use of system resources by virtual machines, including those run- ning Linux. Accounting records are produced that track a virtual machine’s use of processor, paging, I/O, and virtual network resources, including virtual channel-to-channel adapters (CTCAs), inter-user communication vehicle (IUCV) or advanced program-to-program (APPC) connections, and virtual (guest LAN) network interface cards (NICs).

z/VM V4.4 extends its virtualization technology in support of Linux and other guests while providing some enhancements that enable z/VM to be self-optimized and self-managed:

Reducing contention for the z/VM Control Program (CP) scheduler lock may help increase the number of Linux and other guest virtual machines that can be managed concurrently.

Enhancing the Virtual Machine Resource Manager (VMRM) to provide the infrastructure necessary to sup- port more extensive workload and systems resource management features by providing:

monitor data showing actual workload achievement

an interface to dynamically change users in work- loads, workload characteristics, and goals

more fl exibility using the VMRM confi guration fi le when managing multiple users

improvements in the reliability and performance of the VMRM service virtual machine’s monitor data handling

serviceability enhancements including improved mes- sages, logfi le entries, and new server options

Simulating virtual FICON CTCA devices for guest oper- ating systems enhances previous virtual-CTCA support by adding the FICON protocol as an option for guest operating systems. Guests use virtual CTCAs to commu- nicate among themselves within a single z/VM system image, without the need for real FICON CTCAs.

Supporting real and virtual integrated 3270 console devices. Real support enables this device, provided by the Hardware Management Console (HMC) to be used as the system operator console. Virtual support enables testing of guest operating systems and utilities such as Stand-Alone Program Loader (SAPL) and standalone DASD Dump-Restore (DDR), that support the integrated 3270 console device.

Delivering the Performance Toolkit for VMto process Linux performance data obtained from the Resource Management Facility (RMF) Performance Monitoring (PM) client application, rmfpms. Linux performance data obtained from RMF is presented on display screens and in printed reports similar to the way VM data is viewed and presented.

With corresponding function available in Linux on zSeries and S/390, z/VM V4.4 provides:

The attachment of Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) devices to guest Linux images using Fibre Chan- nel Protocol (FCP) channels on zSeries processors

IPL from FCP-attached disks for Linux and other guest operating systems with necessary SCSI support, when z/VM is running on a z990, z890, z900, or z800 server equipped with the SCSI IPL Feature Enabler

Enhanced page-fault handling

Clear-key RSA functions of the IBM PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor (PCICC) or the IBM PCI Cryptographic Accelerator (PCICA).

Exploiting New Technology

z/VM provides a highly-fl exible test and production environ- ment for enterprises deploying the latest on demand busi- ness solutions. Enterprises that require multi-system server solutions will fi nd that z/VM helps them meet the demands of their businesses and IT infrastructures with a broad range of support for such operating system environments


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IBM 890 manual Exploiting New Technology