z/VM Version 3 (V3)

z/VM offers a new technology base for customers look- ing to use IBM Virtual Machine technology on one of the industry’s best-of-breed server platform, zSeries. When z/VM is running on a zSeries server, it’s possible to run 64- bit capable OS/390 2.10, z/OS, and Linux on zSeries as guest systems of z/VM, in addition to ESA/390 guest oper- ating systems such as OS/390, VSE/ESA, TPF, and Linux on S/390. To operate z/OS as a guest of z/VM on a zSeries server, z/VM must be operating in 64-bit mode. z/VM will allow customers to develop and test their 64-bit Parallel Sysplex applications in a guest environment before putting them into production. This may help reduce the need to invest in separate standalone confi gurations.

z/VM can also reduce storage constraints by eliminating the 2 GB central storage limitation, providing plenty of headroom for increasing on demand business require- ments and growing back-offi ce applications within a single machine image. Customers experiencing real memory constraints can experience relief by running z/VM in 64-bit mode on a zSeries server. This constraint relief is provided for ESA/390 guest operating systems. Support for large real memory with z/VM may benefi t customers running a large number of Linux on zSeries and S/390 guest systems.

Additional enhancements in z/VM V3 include:

Native FlashCopy for Enterprise Storage Server (ESS) for high-speed data copy

Guest support enhancements for 3494 VTS and FICON attached 3590 A60 Tape Controller

Connectivity enhancements for TCP/IP Feature for z/VM:

Improved security with the inclusion of a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) server

Transparent data access to remote systems data with an NFS Client

Capability and usability improvements to FTP server for Web browsers

Reduced load on hosts with support for IP Multicasting

Improved data transfer performance with QDIO support- ing Gigabit Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and 155 ATM (Ether- net LAN Emulation)

Support for the DFSMS/MVS® Program Management binder and loader functionality to enhance application affi nity between CMS and OS/390 or z/OS

Note: z/VM V3.1 has been withdrawn from marketing effec- tive August 27, 2004.

z/VM Version 4 (V4)

With z/VM and the IBM Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL), a low-cost, fl exible environment is created to test and develop on Linux while running Linux production applications on IBM z990, z890, z900, z800, S/390 Parallel Enterprise Server Generation 5 and 6, S/390 Multiprise 3000, or equivalent servers. Support for IFL processor features by z/VM V4 or later is designed to run Linux workloads with- out increasing the IBM software charges for z/OS, z/OS.e, OS/390, VM, VSE/ESA, or TPF operating systems and applications running on standard engines of the z990, z890, z900, z800, and S/390 servers in other logical partitions.

Engine-based pricing for z/VM V4 and its optional features allows customers the opportunity to exploit the zSeries and S/390 servers more cost effectively than a discrete server implementation. With engine-based pricing, cus- tomers pay a one-time software license charge (OTC) for each processor engine. This can be for standard proces- sor engines or IFL engines. Traditional operating systems such as z/OS, z/OS.e, OS/390, TPF, VSE/ESA, z/VM V3.1, or VM/ESA are not supported nor can they operate on IFL engines. Only Linux workloads in an LPAR or Linux guests of z/VM V4 or later can operate on the IFL engine.


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IBM 890 manual z/VM Version 3, z/VM Version 4