1. DS5020 hot-swap drive bays ...........................7
2. Back view; controllers with two standard Fibre Channel host expansion channels .......10
3. Back view; controllers with two standard and two optional Fibre Channel host expansion channels 10
4. Back view; controllers with two standard Fibre Channel host expansion channels and two optional
iSCSI host expansion channels .........................10
5. Power supply and fan unit components for the DS5020 ................13
6. Power supply and fan unit and airflow .......................14
7. Backup battery unit ..............................15
8. SFP module and fiber-optic cable.........................17
9. DS5020 dimensions..............................19
10. DS5020 airflow ...............................22
11. Example of cold aisle/hot aisle rack configuration ...................25
12. Example of DS5020 serial number, machine type, and model number location ........28
13. Front rack mounting template ..........................33
14. Rear rack mounting template ..........................34
15. Installing the support rails ...........................35
16. Removing and replacing a controller........................38
17. Removing a power supply and fan unit.......................39
18. Removing an E-DDM CRU ...........................39
19. Installing the DS5020 .............................41
20. Securing the DS5020 to the rack cabinet ......................41
21. Removing and replacing a controller........................42
22. Replacing a power supply and fan unit.......................43
23. Replacing an E-DDM .............................44
24. Storage subsystem seven-segment enclosure IDs ..................46
25. Bending and looping specifications for fiber-optic cables ................48
26. SFP module and protective cap .........................50
27. Installing an SFP module into the host port .....................50
28. Unlocking the SFP module latch - plastic variety ...................51
29. Unlocking the SFP module latch - wire variety ....................51
30. LC-LC Fibre Channel cable ...........................52
31. Removing fiber-optic cable protective caps .....................53
32. Inserting an LC-LC Fibre Channel cable into an SFP module ..............53
33. LC-LC Fibre Channel cable lever and latches ....................54
34. Removing the LC-LC Fibre Channel cable .....................54
35. Example of a redundant drive channel pair .....................56
36. DS5020 storage subsystem ports and controllers ...................58
37. Cabling for one DS5020 and one storage expansion enclosure..............59
38. Cabling for one DS5020 and two storage expansion enclosures .............60
39. Incorrect cabling of one DS5020 and two storage expansion enclosures ..........61
40. Cabling for one DS5020 and three storage expansion enclosures .............62
41. Cabling for one DS5020 and four storage expansion enclosures .............63
42. Cabling for one DS5020 and up to six storage expansion enclosures ...........64
43. Cabling for one DS5020 and up to six storage expansion enclosures ...........66
44. Cabling for one DS5020 and two or more storage expansion enclosures in a mixed environment 67
45. DS5020 drive ports connected to EXP810 ESM ports labeled 1B .............69
46. Cabling for one DS5020 and one EXP520 storage expansion enclosure ..........70
47. One DS5020 and two EXP520 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS5020 drive ports 71
48. One DS5020 and three EXP520 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS5020 drive
ports ...................................72
49. One DS5020 and four EXP520 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of DS5020 drive ports 74
50. One DS5020 and a maximum of six EXP520 storage expansion enclosures behind a pair of
DS5020 drive ports ..............................76
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