If both link rate indicator LEDs are on, the data transfer rate is set for 4 Gbps.
If one link rate indicator light is on, the data transfer rate is set for 2 Gbps.
Important: Make sure that the link rate for the DS5020 is always set to 4
Gbps. The DS5020 supports only 4 Gbps FC drives.
3. Is the data transfer rate set correctly?
Note: Make sure that the link rate for the DS5020 is always set to 4 Gbps.
vYes - Go to step 8.
vNo - Go to step 5 to change the setting.
Attention: When you handle static-sensitive devices, take precautions to
avoid damage from static electricity. For details about handling static-sensitive
devices, see “Handling static-sensitive devices” on page 29.
4. Locate the link rate switch. Figure 81 on page 137 shows the location of the
link rate indicator light on the front of the command module.
5. Change the link rate switch setting by doing the following:
a. Put on antistatic protection.
b. Use a small screwdriver or the tip of a ball point pen to slide the link rate
switch to the left or right to set the desired Fibre Channel operating speed.
Attention: Although the link rate LED indicates the correct speed setting,
the link rate speed does not change until after you cycle power to the
storage subsystem.
6. Repeat step 1 on page 137 through step 5 for all of the storage subsystems in
the configuration.
7. Perform the power-on sequence as described in “Turning on the storage
subsystem” on page 95.
8. Check the indicator lights on the front and back of all of the storage subsystem
and expansion drive modules. All the green indicator LEDs are lit, and the
amber indicator LEDs are off. (No LEDs are displayed on blank drives.)
9. Are only the green indicator LEDs on?
vYes - The drive is working correctly.
vNo - If an amber Fault indicator LED is on, go to 10.
10. Diagnose and correct the fault.
a. Torun the Recovery Guru, select the Recovery Guru toolbar button in the
Subsystem Management window.
b. Complete the recovery procedure.
Link Rate switch
(2 Gbps or 4 Gbps)
Figure82. Link rate switch
138 IBM System Storage DS5020 Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s, and Maintenance Guide