a. Remove the LC-LC Fibre Channel cable from the SFP module. For more
information, see “Handling fiber-optic cables” on page 47.
b. Unlock the SFP module latch:
vFor SFP modules that contain plastic tabs, unlock the SFP module latch
by pulling the plastic tab outward 10°, as shown in Figure 75.
vFor SFP modules that contain wire tabs, unlock the SFP module latch by
pulling the wire latch outward 90°, as shown in Figure 76.
c. With the SFP latch in the unlocked position, extract the SFP module.
vFor SFP modules that contain plastic tabs, slide the SFP module out of
the port.
vFor SFP modules that contain wire tabs, grasp the wire latch and pull
the SFP module out of the minihub port.
d. Replace the protective cap on the SFP module.
e. Place the SFP module into a static-protective package.
f. Replace the protective cap on the port.
8. Squeeze the controller latch and pull the lever open 90° (so that the lever is
horizontal) to release the controller from the latch. The controller latch is a
coral colored tab on the lever.
Note: The lever rotates upward or downward 90°, depending on whether the
controller you are removing is the right or left controller CRU.
9. Slowly pull the lever away from the chassis to remove the controller from the
bay. Use two hands when releasing the controller levers. Figure77 on page
Prot e ct i v e c ap
SFP mo d u l e
Plastic tab
Figure75. Unlocking the SFP module latch - plastic variety
Prot e ct i v e ca p
SFP mo d u l
Wire t ab
Figure76. Unlocking the SFP module latch - wire variety
124 IBM System Storage DS5020 Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s, and Maintenance Guide