d. Review the status of the configuration components shown in the Subsystem
Management window by selecting the applicable component button for each
storage subsystem.
8. Are the LEDs indicating normal operation, and is the status Optimal on all the
configuration components?
vYes— End of procedure.
vNo — Go to step 9.
9. Diagnose and correct the fault by completing the following steps.
a. Run the DS Storage Manager Recovery Guru by selecting the Recovery
Guru toolbar button in the Subsystem Management window.
b. Complete the recovery procedure.
If the Recovery Guru directs you to replace a failed component, use the
individual LEDs on the storage subsystem to locate the specific failed
component. For troubleshooting procedures, see Chapter 6, “Hardware
maintenance,” on page 153.
c. When the recovery procedure is completed, select Recheck in the Recovery
Guru. This action reruns the Recovery Guru to make sure that the problem
has been corrected.
d. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative.
Installing the DS Storage Manager clientSee the IBM System Storage DS Storage Manager Installation and Host Support
Guide for the applicable operating system for instructions on how to install the DS
Storage Manager software. Use that document and the online help to configure the
logical drives, partitions, and so on for the RAID controllers. Use your operating
system documentation to make the new logical drives accessible to the operating
system. Do not proceed with the configuration setup until you have completed the
DS Storage Manager installation.
Assemble any additional items in preparation for software installation. These items
might include the following:
vHBA drivers
vController firmware version listed at the IBM System Storage Support Web site:
vIP addresses for RAID controllers (for in-band management only)
vAdditional documentation for switches and HBAs, if needed
vApplicable host kit for your operating system, which includes the DS Storage
Manager DVD containing the applicable Storage Manager version and storage
subsystem controller firmware.
Depending on the DS5020 configuration you purchased, your DS5020 will ship
with either the Microsoft Windows host software attachment kit or with your
choice of host software kits (Windows, AIX, Linux, Netware, SUN Solaris, HP-UX,
Linux on POWER, or VMware). The host software kit grants you permission to
attach host servers using the applicable operating system to the DS5020. The kit
includes a DS Storage Manager Support DVD that has the applicable IBM DS
Storage Manager host software. The DVD also includes correct controller
firmware version.
For the latest controller firmware and the DS Storage Manager host software for
your operating systems, check the IBM support web site IBM System Storage
Chapter4. Operating the storage subsystem 97